
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


What percent of persons that drink alcohol are considered problem drinkers?

So, I’ve been thinking about this lately… What percentage of people who drink alcohol would you say fall into the “problem drinker” category? 🤔 Like, I know we all have different thresholds and definitions for what constitutes a problem drinker, but it’s still a pretty intriguing question.

I mean, we all know someone who maybe hits the bottle a bit too hard, or who just can’t seem to handle their liquor, right? But then there are those who seem to have a few too many every time they crack open a cold one. And let’s not even get started on binge drinking and its effects.

I guess what I’m getting at is, where do we draw the line? Is there a specific percentage of the population that we can point to and say, “Yep, those folks definitely have a drinking problem”? Or is it more of a spectrum, with varying degrees of severity?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this. Have you ever known someone who struggled with alcohol? Do you think it’s a widespread issue, or is it blown out of proportion? Let’s discuss!

submitted by /u/Load_Kooky494
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