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tingling and toe pain – curious of seriousness

Hello reddit!

I’m 24M, social drinker. I drank a lot in college and I’m in a friend group in a major city where alcohol is a big part. I recognize that it’s too big a part and have been working on cutting myself off at certain points, not drinking after a certain hour (because I have the worst hangovers). But an issue just came up and I feel it warrants attention.

About a year ago after a big graduation party, I woke up with serious painful tingling in my toes and hands. It terrified me and I was worried I had fried my body somehow. I overloaded myself with vitamins, taking the whole alphabet A-Z, and eventually it completely went away. No pain. I totally forgot about it honestly. I kept taking the vitamins (and still do, though not as much).

However, I slipped this past weekend and went to a large celebration, we all drank wayyy too much, and now I have that mild tingling feeling in my toes again, though not as bad as last time. I’m overloading on the vitamins, but I’m curious about the severity of this? Is this just my body screaming not enough nutrients or is this something worse? I started socially drinking when I was 18 and it was relatively constant, with multiple 3 month breaks of sobriety and about 7 months of very minimal drinking for the first half of 2023.


submitted by /u/Different-Club1263
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