
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


The original recipe for gin included juniper berries as a medicinal ingredient to treat kidney problems and other ailments.

So, get this – I stumbled upon this mind-blowing fact about gin while browsing through some random history books. Turns out, back in the day, gin wasn’t just a drink to get the party started; it was legit medicine! Can you believe it?

So, here’s the deal: the OG recipe for gin included juniper berries as a key ingredient. And get this, they weren’t just thrown in there for flavor. Nope, those little berries were there to help treat kidney problems and other health issues. Talk about a versatile drink, am I right?

I mean, imagine going to the bar and ordering a gin and tonic, not just because it tastes good, but because you’re like, “Yeah, I’m looking out for my kidneys, man.”

It’s wild to think about how things have changed over time. Like, now we drink gin because it’s delicious and pairs well with, well, pretty much anything. But back then, people were knocking it back for its supposed medicinal properties.

Anyway, just thought I’d share this little nugget of history with you all. Makes you appreciate your G&T a little more, doesn’t it? Cheers to gin, the original health elixir!

submitted by /u/Media_Hateful419
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