
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Note to self: I should really get a cctv in my room to watch what I do when blacked out lol

Just a rant honestly but yesterday I got shitfaced on vodka(not an uncommon occurrence) while watching YouTube sitting by my desk and that is literally the last thing I remember. So the plan was to get crossfaded, then eat, then game a little, then sleep(got work the next day as well). The morning after, I found myself sleeping in the most awkward position ever, food hasn’t been touched and God knows where my weed pen is(was right in front of me the previous night and I still can’t find it lol). Honestly would be fun to just replay the whole thing on video and see the dumb shit I do when blacked out. End of rant.

submitted by /u/Ketameeeen
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