
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Is it that bad?

Im 16(not american but still got till 18) and my fav drink is rum, Especially darker rums. I also really like whiskey (scotch). I really like tequila and arak aswell but when I go out youd prolly aee me w rum or scotch. Now my friends noticed this and think im weird for drinking rum calling me jack sparrow and saying rum tastes like window cleaning liquid. Just shitting on eum(tasteless fucks). And they also say im “old” because I drink whiskey and rum. Cuz those are associated w older people or sum shit. I just counter them by saying “I’m classy” but is it really that bad? I mostly like the “older” drinks. Also congac and shit while they drink their van Goghs smirnoffs and araks. Theres the same situation w music(they like rap and shit while i like classic rock metal and grunge and shit)

submitted by /u/BBigg_Chungusss
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