
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


MA best drink ive ever had PERIOD. :THE TOM JOHNSON.


exactly 2 shots of peppermint schnops, 4oz heavy whipping cream, 1 tablespoon of lime juice SHAKEN not stirred, poured into a margarita glass, with a salted rim.

tom johnson, THE legendary drink named after the legend himself.

this drink got me swollen from the waist down from just one sip, it depresses me that ive gone my entire life without this incredible beverage, from the moment i first took that sweet salty sip ive felt heaven on my lips. this drink is for the classy connisour, youll never feel more free with one of these in your hands, a true american icon.

i first had my doubts, but i finally bit the bullet after all i had in my doublewide was a miller lite and these simple 4 ingrediants, never have i ever felt such a rush as surreal as this since my days in nam’

this drink is not for the average commie, you have to be a red blodded semper fi american to understand the meaning this drink stands for. LIBTARDS BEWARE this drink does not tread on me.

theres 2 things i know for true…, theres a shotgun in my truck, and a tom johnson in my hand, enjoy my fellow republicans and stay thirsty my friends.


submitted by /u/Guesswhatbustanut
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