What is your limit?
Admittedly I am making this post while severely drunk. I do not intent on taking alcoholic consumption to the point of becoming blackout drunk, not even more than once a week, but I want to know what it takes for some of you to meet these conditions:
Needing second or triple checks before sending any message.
Eyes are moving around beyond control.
Unable to walk without hugging walls.
Reduced mental cognition.
Able to enjoy what you usually don’t.
So relaxed that you do not care for anything going on… “well that happened, whatever”.
To be clear. I make sure I limit myself to how often I get very drunk. Around twice a month I let myself get very drunk to really relax and let nights pass me by. Life can get very stressful to the point that I do not mind completely forgetting reality in a safe-ish manner (alcohol is never safe, moderation can make it “fine” for the body if done right in moderation, not to say the health risks don’t exist). I know the risks and I do not wish to be a complete alcoholic to the point of having a full bottle of vodka a day just to function. I enjoy alcohol for the taste, enjoyment, and relaxation that occurs but I drink fairly light each week.
What it takes for me to get very drunk as per the requirements above is: (5’10” 195LBS, new-ish to alcohol)
25 Oz Four Loko (13.9% ABV).
And a 16 Oz beer within one hour of complete consumption together on a fairly empty stomach.
If you are new to alcohol, please familiarize yourself with the risks (even the ones invisible to the youthful mind), and very carefully find out how much it takes for you to get affected, but not with the mindset of “time to get shitfaced for the first time!”. as that will ruin chances of you enjoying alcohol in the future if your first experience is poor. There is so much variety out there, be safe, responsible, and enjoy what you want. Please be careful out there, this applies to any drug.
Please refer to my last r/alcohol posts if you want to know of the times I over intoxicated, at the moment of typing this I am teetering on the edge of asking myself if I am currently over intoxicated.
submitted by /u/Corgerus
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