
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Was I drugged?

I’m a bartender that drinks A LOT.

Tonight I went out with a guy and had 2 shots. They were large shots so we’ll call it 3.

After I went with my friends to a bar where we had 2 more shots.

5 shots total. High tolerance but on an empty stomach.

I was so drunk that I could not see straight, could not use my phone, throwing up, could not even text my boyfriend that was coming to get me. No matter how hard I tried to focus it was too blurry to read.

An hour later I was fine. Felt almost sober. No longer sick. Can read. Can walk straight. Completely fine.

Could I have been drugged? Or could this just be a weird effect of alcohol? I’ve never been this drunk in my life but I’ve drank 2x more. I’m just wondering what you guys think. I feel confused and don’t want to accuse anyone but I’ve honestly never been that drunk in my life… I could not even walk. I had to sit in the corner of the club and call a ride…. then an hour later I’m fine.

Anyone have any thoughts to offer?

submitted by /u/ConsiderationAny4091
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