
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


can’t get drunk mentally, no hangovers and no tolerance. is this normal?

First off i sound like an alcoholic so i’ll clear that up; this was my first time drinking more than a sip in over a year. It’s not tolerance build up.

Celebrated a big holiday and calculated my BAC to be between 0.27–0.35 (or 1.5-2.0 in promille) throughout the night, but i don’t know the exact amount down to the ml.

I usually lose coordination/balance skills, get energetic and giggly. But mentally there’s nothing, i can still think and reason 100% clear, i feel the same as i do sober, i remember everything from the night before. Even the physical effects stop in 1-1.5 hrs if i slow my drinking and collect myself. Why do i only feel the effects physically?

Also have never gotten hangovers (or thrown up) no matter how much i drink, i wake up early feeling more refreshed than usual. EXCEPT if it’s from beer. I start feeling like shit from 1 light beer within an hour, exhausted. So there’s that. Which makes no sense either. Both my parents are lightweights so i doubt it’s genetic.

Can’t find any answers, what’s wrong with me?? Is it just an age thing? (i’m 21F).

submitted by /u/MoonShimmer1618
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