
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Are alcoholics more at risk to have excessive bleeding or excessive clotting?

I’ve been pondering something lately, and I could use some insight. So, we all know alcohol and health don’t exactly go hand in hand. But here’s the thing: I’ve heard conflicting stuff about alcoholics and their blood. Some say alcoholics are more prone to excessive bleeding, while others swear it leads to excessive clotting. Now, I’m no medical expert, just a curious mind on Reddit.

I mean, think about it. On one hand, alcohol thins your blood, right? So maybe that means alcoholics are more likely to bleed out over a small cut or something. But then, I’ve also read that excessive drinking can mess with your liver, which affects how your blood clots. So which is it?

I’m not asking for medical advice or anything, just hoping to spark a discussion. Maybe some of you have personal experiences or know someone who does? Or maybe there are some science buffs out there who can shed some light on this. Let’s get to the bottom of it

submitted by /u/Log-Medium465
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