
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Alcohol flush

Hi Guys,

Question here. I know it’s common for people to go red in the face and warm after an alcoholic drink or two. I also know that ‘Asian flush’ is common in many people due to an aceteldahyde build up caused by an enzyme deficiency which is caused by a genetic mutation. My question is, if someone suffers from Asian flush, would it occur every time they consume alcohol??

I am not Asian, I’m a 27 year old Caucasian male and I enjoy the occasional glass of wine or pint of beer. When I drink beer I never have a problem with facial flushing, however when I drink red wine, my face, neck and chest tend to go blotchy and warm to the touch for around 20 minutes after my first glass. It never normally happens for longer, never sticks around and always fades, even if I carry on drinking. It’s not painful or uncomfortable and I don’t feel ill at all when it occurs, just warm. What could be causing this? I’m concerned that people who have the genetic mutation that cause alcohol flush are genetically more prone to esophopgeal cancer and obviously I want to avoid this. Would true ‘Asian flush’ be so selective about when it occurs and what alcohol it occurs with or would it happen every time a person drank?

Curious to know. If anyone has any insights I’m all ears!

submitted by /u/DowntownCarob1180
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