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Mouton Cadet Launches Three New Bordeaux Wines

Mouton Cadet has announced a new Bordeaux collection: Mouton Cadet x Mathilde, Mouton Cadet x Nathan and Mouton Cadet x Pierre, respectively rosé, white and red.

Mouton Cadet Rosé 2023 by Mathilde Sereys de Rothschild

Mouton Cadet Rosé x Mathilde was the first wine created as a collaboration between one of founder Baron Philippe de Rothschild’s great-grandchildren and Mouton Cadet’s winemakers. It was always going to have organic certification, but vegan was Mathilde’s choice, the company reports.

Mouton Cadet White 2023 by Nathan Sereys de Rothschild

Nathan lends his name to a wine made from sauvignon blanc. Mouton Cadet White x Nathan is an airy, fruit-forward wine, the company reports.

Mouton Cadet 2023 Red by Pierre Ögren de Rothschild

Pierre has chosen to lend his first name to a red wine made with another flagship grape variety, merlot. Using modern, low-temperature vinification techniques, the wine breaks with tradition and can even be enjoyed slightly chilled, the company says.

Available from spring 2024, this new collection of wines will be priced at a suggested price of $17.99 per 750-ml. bottle. The wines will be available across the US through Mouton Cadet’s importer, Turquoise Life.

The post Mouton Cadet Launches Three New Bordeaux Wines appeared first on Cheers.

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