
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


How do you find drinking buddies?

I (21F) have noticed my friends are not drinkers the way I am. I have to practically beg them to come out with me when I want to go out. They’d rather not drink and stay in and just kind of sit around. I don’t mind staying in sometimes but damn, we’re all in our early 20s! I’m not trying to be in the house! So anyway, I’ve gone out by myself a few times and have always had a good time. But I don’t want to make a habit out of doing that because I know it’s not very safe. And the friendships you make on a night out usuallyyyy last the night, ya know? Anyway just wondering, has anyone ever gone out and made drinking buddies that actually lasted? I need more alcohol friends!

submitted by /u/Obvious_Economy_3726
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