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I wanted to quit alcohol but when I went to A.A. it seemed there were more hard core drug addicts than just people with alcoholic tendencies? I feel like A.A. has turned into N.A. & that’s not helpful

So I had a problem with alcohol & really want to quit (I binge drink to unhealthy amounts) but I never got hooked on drugs except nicotine. So I decided to ask for help to quit alcohol by attending A.A. yet it seems most people there are drug addicts & I feel like an outsider in a meeting that’s designed to help a functional alcohol like me bc everyone else has popped all types of pills. It makes me feel like my addiction to alcohol is not valid bc people mention harder drugs & the focus is less & less on quitting alcohol which is a super toxic drug for me. I’ve tried many A.A. meetings & it seems druggies are taking over & focusing on their substances instead of alcohol…I understand co-curing addictions are common but when the main focus isn’t on quitting alcohol & the dangers of it it makes it hard to stay sober & I feel like no one feels my pain bc god forbid it’s not so hard as I’m not a “meth head”. I want to quit drinking but I feel like maybe A.A. isn’t for me…now it’s Addicts Anonymous instead of strictly alcohol which was the original intention & should be. There’s always someone whose done a worse drug & the annoyance is that there’s N.A. It’s not a competition. Has anyone else felt like an outsider at an A.A. meeting they thought was specific to help them quit alcohol? Thoughts & thank you

submitted by /u/Public-Youth-9055
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