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What are hard liquor equivalents if I get very drunk off of 3 beers?

I’m a 5’3 105-110 lbs woman(lean not skinny fat). I get very very drunk off of 3 Smirnoff ice, if I add a beer on top I vomit later on. 3 Busch I’m flipping off of things. I’m trying to figure out if I get drunk off of 3 4.5% drinks, what is equivalent sizes to drink for 30%, 35%, and 40% vodka, tequila hard liquor? (If you say shots as size reference, please attach an image of what size shot you mean. I tend to see so many sizes). I blacked out once and vomited everywhere and the world was spinning for 2 days straight but I don’t know how much I drank(much more than 4 regular drinks that night that’s for sure) and would like to avoid that again if I drink hard liquor. 2 white claw surges (8%) make me dumb drunk

submitted by /u/hammiearmy03
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