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Why can’t I get tipsy?

I’ve tried reading up on this but can’t find much, as whilst I can’t get tipsy, I can get drunk. And there seems to be no way of calculating when that happens.

I am a relatively new drinker, especially for a British person. I started to frequently try drinks at 19 years old (I’m 20 now), as this is when I started going out with my partner.

The first time I got properly drunk was at a party where I had three drinks (3 shots of vodka mixed). I went from completely sober and not enjoying my drinks at all, to then not be able to stand without swaying. It was almost instantaneous I got drunk, with no “happy tipsy” in between.

I went slower on the next night out. Had a couple gins, didn’t get tipsy or drunk, and ended up throwing up at the end of the night.

I’ve quite a few times in between then and now, but more recently had a party where I drank 2 and a half beers (Corona and something else). I didn’t get tipsy or chatty, felt completely indifferent until the end of the night where I got an awful headache. When I went to bed, I couldn’t sleep until I puked up the two beers.

I’m 164cm & 50kg. Though I don’t think that has much to do with things, perhaps other than being quite the lightweight. My parents were both drinkers growing up & had fairly high tolerances even when they were my age.

If anyone can give any advice, I’d be much appreciative. I’ve been told it might be down to cheap alcohol(?) as the gins, vodkas and whatnot have been Gordon’s and Smirnoff.

Are there different types of drinks I should try? From the top of my head, I’ve tried: – Gins (mixed) – Vodka (mixed) – whiskey – beers – IPA – Cider

submitted by /u/ThrowRa388393
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