
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Why do some people black out yet no matter how much I drink I have never blacked out?

I have never once in my 15 years of drinking blacked out. I have been drunker than a skunk more times that I can count. I can notoriously polish off entire bottles of brandy in 2-3 hours. I have gotten the spins, I have made mistakes while drunk, and I have puked buckets but never once did I “black out” and not remembered the ass I made of myself. Is there some kind of gene that I either have or am missing? Im an American of Irish and German descent, notorious European drinking countries and my family is full of functional alcoholics if any of that matters.

submitted by /u/Thatlifebalancethijg
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