
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


How do I get alcohol in my situation?

I’m a fifteen year old, so I can’t go into a store and buy any myself. I live in Finland, so Alko is the only shop which can sell alcohol stronger than 5,5% (I’d rather not shoplift so many cans, especially since I haven’t really stolen before) Also, strangers are pretty skittish here. I have asked around, but they won’t buy me a thing. I mean I do understand, they’re kinda being put on the spot. My parents nor close relatives drink, so I can’t steal from them

I honestly can’t stay sober anymore. I only want to drink so I can know whether I can be happy anymore or not. I am always miserable. The best emotion I can get is “hollow”, and that’s not an understatement in the slightest. Lately I’ve been eating less than half of what a person my age should, and I’ve started cutting more than ever. It’s mostly from the distress of not being able to get my hands on any substances

What can I really do for myself? I mean, how do I approach people and make them ACTUALLY agree to sell me, or are there any apps where I can meet people with questionable morals around my area?

Please don’t tell me not to drink either. I don’t want to ruin my brain, but by how little it’s releasing happy hormones, it might as well already be ruined. I’ll be too pissed to get better anyway if I can’t escape this at least one time

submitted by /u/Bottleinhouse
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