
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Maybe a dumb question but, why not refrigerate alcohol?

I’m a new drinker, and I just got this bottle of whiskey that I really enjoy. I tried it neat, and then on ice and the on ice was really good. I’ve been reading up on different consumption techniques for when I order out and for when I drink at home and have noticed that for chilled drinks they are chilled in, or on ice and then separated for consumption. Aside from logistical stuff like storage is there any reason to chill a drink like that as opposed to putting it in my fridge

Sorry if this a dumb question but i don’t want to risk ruining my drinks, and I want to get the best enjoyment. The whiskey I’m currently drinking is ol’ smokey amaretto whiskey, 56 proof.

submitted by /u/Arzakhan
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