
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


how long does it take for your body to physically be addicted to alcohol?

i’m 21 F and i have an alcohol addiction and it’s scaring me . scaring me enough to ask questions and acknowledge it but not enough to quit .. i drink everyday , about a pint if not a little more or less depending on the day . i don’t get hungover but the past week i’ve been waking up having hangxiety . idk if it’s the circumstances of my life with issues i’m going thru (breakup) which is causing this anxiety bc i have had anxiety or the fact that i’m actually becoming physically addicted . i’ve been drinking like this for a little over a year everyday . it started out slow but jus got worse and i’ve quit a few times and i was miserable but didn’t like need to go to the hospital for withdraw and i jus don’t wanna wake up one day and need to go to the hospital bc withdraw . i don’t NEED to drink it’s more like a routine bc i have ocd but last night and tonight before drinking i’ve been kinda having anxiety so drinking makes it stop but i’m like scared . i know the solution is to stop and im leaning towards it but we all know it’s easier said than done but i don’t want to start having the shakes and need to go to the hospital so how long does it take before this will happen ? i jus want to ease my anxiety before i cut back so i don’t die or think i’m going to . please no negativity because i want to do better .

submitted by /u/random_inmyhead
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