
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


I don’t get it.

I’ve had some trouble with the more recreational substances in life, and I’m sure it’s ill advised to seek the same fun in alcohol, but I don’t get why people drink let alone manage to get drunk?

I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong or my expectations are too high; a few drinks in and I’m relatively nauseous and feel virtually nothing. I’ll get a decent buzz on an empty stomach after some vodka cranberry’s but once I eat something or get too nauseous the recreation is gone as quick as it came on… I’m wondering if it’s a case of building up the alcohol level over several hours maybe?

I must be missing something. I’ve met countless alcoholics who struggle to kick it more than opiates, but I don’t see where you get hooked. I’ll get a little loose after half a dozen drinks though what is it supposed to feel like being drunk?

submitted by /u/Swann1545
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