
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Did a stupid thing

Info: 19 F, 5’3, 46kg/101lbs

It was my second time drinking tonight(first time I drank only a little bit) and I did a really stupid thing which I just now realize. I felt really shitty and when I have these depressive episodes I either turn to self harm or benzodiazepines. Today I decided to try alcohol (which I always stay away from because 1) i dont like the taste and 2) i have a fear of vomiting). I drank 7 shots of 37,5% pink gin in a span of 50 minutes. I got super dizzy and everything was spinning so I decided to lay down and few minutes after I threw up. Then I fell asleep, woke up, stomach is hurting just a tiny bit but its way better now. I also ate breakfast without throwing up. I read somewhere that 7 shots of 40% alcohol can poison you so I got scared. Am I gonna be okay?

submitted by /u/Fun-String5691
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