
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


I drank a far too much and now can’t drink at all

I want to make this as clear as I can, I know I’m an idiot and I shouldn’t have listened but I’m 18 and assumed it was just a challenge that’s normal

I only got drink on some occasions at home or rarely with friends, we would do it casually just to have fun.

I had a night out with work mates at one of their homes and when I was already tipsy then recommended a challenge to me, where only one of them told me it’s a bad idea.

The game was to drink 5 glasses of beer in under 5 minutes, I did it in 4 minutes and was relatively fine after.

About an hour later I needed to go home, was very fucked up and regretted it big time thinking how much of an idiot I was for listening.

It’s been a month and a half and no matter what beer I drink, no matter what cider or literally anything else I drink that has alcohol I feel slightly sick in my stomach and can’t drink a whole lot since I start to feel full despite not drinking at all.

90% sure it’s my body after what happened not wanting me to drink again but I wouldn’t know, the only drinks I can have and enjoy are cocktails.

I haven’t even gotten tipsy since then and I’ve drank barely anything, just to taste it and not want to keep going at all.

Think I can recover from this and continue to drink (a lot smarter now) and just enjoy it like everyone else? When I bring this up with people I can’t help but get reminded that I’m stupid for listening but I saw nothing wrong with trusting 7 adults well over 25 where as I’m 18.

I’m just a bit scared that I’ll never be able to drink properly again but then again, what do I know. If this is common or if it’s a known thing that this happens but isn’t on any Google searches please do let me know.


submitted by /u/Sir_Jaquis
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