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how do i get back my dad

Hi, idk if this is the place to write such things but I’m quite desperate. I am 22 and the problem with alcohol is not to me but to my father. See, he has been my friend for the longest time, onviously, but something changed in him some years ago. It’s normal to drink one two glasses at a party, or at the dinner table, but there are moment for him that he abuses these drinks and doesn’t let them go for 4-5 days in a row. At first I said that it is ok, he drank due to the loss of my grandparents which is somewhat understandable, but as i see, he began to create a pattern. Whatever bad or negative happens, he’s gotta drink his way. I cannot help him, neither me or my mom. I moved to a bigger city and I’m coming home very often, I speak to them on the phone, sharing stories and so on. But he finds something upsetting to drink about.

I dont want to loose him, he always came back from this state and stayed sober for idk 3-6 months but when a tragedy strikes, it starts again. I tried talking, literally spent over 3 hours to talk him out nicely, i tried making him to forget so maybe i can find my father there. He s a great dad and a great friend, but he is also really determinated so idk. A great example of this is, he had an accident last week with the family car, he cares a lot about this car as I do. He started crying, hating himself for what he did (reversed in a tree) even though i tried to explain to him that it is literally just broken glass and we can fix it, i know it involves a lot of money and so on but we can get it fixed. This how he started again, i had to ask a good friend to accompany him to look for parts for the car maybe he will feel better. It helped but not so much as he went and drank again.

Now i ask, is there any change to turn him back, with help with time? He’s a little bit old but i cannot let him go. His mind seems like it ran away some times and I want to know how to help him.

submitted by /u/andrrheea
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