
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Does drinking for a very long time (10+ years) daily make your body null to vasopressin?

I had a CT scan back in July after a car accident [am fine now], though discovered I have an abnormally large bladder – but am wondering if you can become ‘numb’ to vasopressin to hold urine in more. I can drink about 10 beer in the span of about 2 hours (355ml) and usually don’t even feel the need to urinate until 4-6 hours. Is it just my bladder? On the off days that I am sober, I maybe urinate twice a day (in the morning and half way through the day).

I’m about 6’5 and 145 pounds as well, very skinny.

submitted by /u/Expensive-Hamster-73
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