
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Feel like I have to restart my motivation and life after one night of partying

I’ve had this for so long, and I have such a hard time wanting to give up these night out experiences with my friends. But after a night of partying it takes me nearly four days to return to life with a good attitude. I’ll still go to work if I have to but it’s a serious struggle. I just want to eat and lay on the couch, when normally I like to work out and be productive. I also struggle with depression and know that working out and being productive helps me cope with it, so when I’m wasting away I have these intrusive thoughts that make it harder to get back up again, I.e. ‘what’s the point of any of this… rather die’ What should I do? If I need to quit drinking and partying I will. But maybe there is something else that has helped you so we don’t have to say no to those fun nights with our friends.

submitted by /u/Coollamps
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