
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


How do you know when you’ve reached your limit and how do you keep from going past it?

Most days I either drink like a glass of wine at night or nothing at all.

However, when I go out with friends or do social activities, I can’t seem to not go past my limit, which apparently isn’t much. Maybe that’s some form of alcoholism idk. I’m 24, too old to not know my limit by now.

It takes about 2-3 vodka sodas to have a nice buzz, that’s like my sweet spot. I won’t get hungover from that.

But I tend to go past that and end up having like 5 drinks which usually ends in me throwing up/having a horrendous hangover. If someone offers me free alcohol I have a hard time saying no.

I did that last night and even though I had liquid IV and plenty of water yesterday, I am super hungover.

How do u guys know your limit and not go past it? Do you only stick to certain kinds of alcohol?

submitted by /u/Separate_Tangelo7138
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