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Drinking vanilla as a minor

Drinking Vanilla extract as a minor: ok so here’s my story. I’m a minor, and by the title you may think a raging alcoholic with a shitty life. No actually, I make good money and have a good job. I do amazing trips with my family like backpacking and shit like that. Anyway, I was introduced to alcohol in high school like many of us here. I used to just steal bottles but I don’t even know how or why I though of it, but one day I just stole vanilla extract instead. No one even is suspicious when you go to the extract section, and it’s way easier/less stressful to take vanilla vs a bottle of vodka. I have been doing this for around a year on and off, and researched a lot about it. Many people online say to not do it because it will make you very sick but it affects me the same as any whiskey or vodka does. It contains the same alcohol content so idk why it would make you more sick. I do chase it with a lot of water/other liquid, so I don’t have the nasty taste. My main question is, is vanilla actually more harmful to your health than regular whiskey, or is the only difference how bad vanilla tastes and smells. Also just to add for those maybe concerned. I know this “leads down a bad path” but I stop for months without any withdrawal/craving symptoms. I am not worried bout alcoholism, I am only asking if this is worse than drinking whiskey for my health. I’ll go back to stealing bottles when I want if it is. Thanks- concerned minor.

submitted by /u/Amazing-Instance4451
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