
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


has anyone else experienced sudden on set of nausea (acid reflex) and headaches after sobering up from just a few drinks

I have been drinking almost every day for the past year. i have never really had any problems with processing liquor besides getting too drunk sometimes and throwing up.

this past week or so i have noticed that whenever i have maybe 2-4 drinks over the span of a few hours and then stop drinking to sober up that after sobering up i will get horrible headaches and have to deal with nausea (acid reflex) for like 8 hours.

it’s very random and i have never had these issues before, especially because i don’t get drunk when i’m drinking like this. i just get a good buzz going and that’s it.

submitted by /u/sageimel
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