Curious to others daily drinking habits. I’ve been a heavy drinker for some time.
I am 41, male and currently 250 lbs.
I started drinking in high school and while not a daily drinker, definitely was drinking all I could get my hands on when I could.
This has continued to this day. I was in the Navy at 21 and would drink when out with the fellas to the point of extreme inebriation. Although we would go out to sea for a few months at a time then back on port for a few months.
I thought I had calmed down in my late twenties when I was married and my kids were a little older my life consisted of working long hours, still in the navy, coming home and watching tv till I passed out while drinking. I was always able to get up and go to work. Al this broken up with trips out to sea.
I got out of the Navy, went to college and have been working ever since. I work mostly in an office, occasionally in the field and occasionally from home. I currently don’t have a lot of physical activity or work out at all. I work, go home, drink, go to bed, then rinse and repeat.
I drink daily. A handle from Costco lasts me maybe 4 days, so I imagine in drinking a pint a night. This is normal although I go to the bars on weekends now. Occasionally I will go over my pint a day, sometimes I get through my two home drinks (two Ozark Trail tumblers/half ice/booze about quarter to half inch above the line/water/liquid IV) and I want to go grab some drinks at the bar. On these next days I normally feel like hammered asshole so I try to keep them to a minimum.
I’d say I can hold my liquor well. I normally just sit and drink. I can sit and hold an intelligent, deep conversation, and keep sucking them down. I can also go without drinking. I am currently on the road working, these trips will last for about 5 days generally, and I don’t drink during them. Sometimes I have a hard time getting to sleep, but that is about it.
I hold a good job and have been able to do so with only 2 adverse life reactions so far.
Cons: I am now just packing on weight. I think from a lot of the inactivity but I just lack a lot of energy. I end up laying around a lot recovering on weekends although I will get my chores done like mowing the yard or grocery shopping.
I do have high blood pressure and cholesterol.
I have eye issues, they can build a lot of debris and I always have to take a lot of care with them.
I have rosacea.
I have begun to not recall things easily. I’ve always kind of had a bad memory but this is different. I have had blackout nights plenty in my life on nights of hard drinking but for instance the other night, me and my wife were sitting in the house and it was around 8. At this time we are done with our drinks and normally go to bed but we decided to go grab a few more at the bar. I probably had at least 4-5 more drinks there. We just sat and talked then went home, but she mentioned it to me the next day and I had completely forgotten about it till then. Only when she said something did I recall that night.
I had initially chalked it up as it was uneventful, so therefore, I did not retain it.
Although the next weekend we met up with a couple downtown and started hopping around to different bars. The other couple eventually left and went home and we stayed out and had a couple of more drinks at another bar. After that bar we went to a sushi restaurant, then one more bar, then home. The next day I completely forgot about the sushi bar and sake and a couple of the other bars at the end. Once she said something the memories came back and I remembered it, but I wonder if she never said anything, would I ever have remembered.
I also seem to have more issues with my anxiety and emotions. I get uncontrollably nervous standing and talking in front of people and I tear up at the slightest mention of anything emotional, even when I would not have as a younger man or even when it affects me in no way at all. It’s strange. And I will tear up at some dumb shit.
I was curious as to what other people daily drinking habits were and how long they had been doing it. I read posts and some mention they drink less, and for a significantly smaller amount of time with much worse reactions, and some seem to be on par with my level and love it.
submitted by /u/Bobsweeper
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