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does weekend heavy drinking cause seizures or microseizures?

‘Chronic administration of ethanol leads to upregulation of (NMDA) and calcium receptors and increased release of glucocorticoids. NMDA-mediated mechanisms and glucocorticoid actions on the hippocampus are associated with brain damage. Thus, ethanol withdrawal may make the brain more vulnerable to damage from these mechanisms, especially with binge drinking. ‘

‘Binge drinking can cause alcohol withdrawal seizures in people, even for individuals who do not have epilepsy.’

‘Many people assume that only addicted drinkers will consume enough to cause an alcohol seizure. This is unfortunately a misconception, because even young drinkers can suffer an alcohol-induced seizure. This happens when the individual drinks a large amount in one night, and is commonly referred to as a “rum fit.” ‘

submitted by /u/Larping101
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