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Can’t drink socially- alcohol puts me to sleep

Finally decided that this annoys me enough to look for a solution, so here I am crowdsourcing advice from Reddit lmao

I’ve got a problem with how I tolerate booze. 8/10 times when I have a drink, I feel like crawling straight to bed, or at least get heavily drowsy. I’m uni age and from the UK (let’s be honest, drinking culture is big in this subset) and not being able to have a causal drink, let alone go on a boozer is somewhat crushing my social life. That might sound pathetic to you, but it genuinely has a bigger effect than you’d think.

The times that it doesn’t knock me out, mainly when doing shots, I still don’t get a buzz, or a hangover or anything. I can drink all I want & get a bit of vertigo and nothing else.. so I just partake and don’t mention that I feel sober still. It’s as if I’m both the biggest lightweight & have the highest tolerance. I’m playing Russian roulette with which I’m going to get every time I drink.

I get all the “alcohol is a depressant” explanations and hell- there’s probably other stuff contributing with me. I tolerate other shit weird because of ADHD (stimulants also make me sleep, lucky me), also on meds, who knows. And it’s great to be able to switch off easily when I don’t want to be awake anymore.

But I’m sick of going to the pub, having a drink, & everyone’s getting a buzz and I’m getting Zs. Hanging out with mates camping around a fire, we open a pack of beers, that’s me out for the night. Glass of something with dinner and then I’m focusing on trying to keep my eyes open.
I’ve tried just explaining when I’m offered a drink, but I hate the “you must be fun at parties” comments.

I really like alcohol. I just don’t like how my body takes it. So what can I do? What am I doing wrong? Do I need a different drink? More? Less? Is there anything* I can mix with it to counteract the sleepiness? Cheers.

*Already tried caffeine- doesn’t work

submitted by /u/Serious_Tangerine_81
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