
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


The types of posts on this sub

I feel like 90% of this sub is just teens aged 15-20 asking questions like “I drank 7 shots of hard liquor and had two beers before that, did not feel drunk at all, is this normal??” This essentially feels like bragging and these people are probably expecting answers like “yeah, you must have incredible alcohol tolerance, props to you mate”.

This must have been said like 1000 times in this sub but I feel like even teens who have just started drinking are meant to have an innate understanding that how drunk you get from a specific amount of alcohol depends on a number of factors, like how long ago you ate, how well-rested you are (not even factoring in the differences in body makeup) etc.

submitted by /u/TonyDiOlmeda
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