
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


French wine perception by the American consumers (survey, master thesis

Hi everyone ! I’am a student in a French Business School called Skema and currently developing a thesis on consumer’s perception on French wine in the US.

The phenomenon that i study is called Country of Origin Effect and is based on multiple criteras such as innovation, prestige and quality.

I need some of your help to measure it.

Thanks to your feedbacks i will be able to base my work on reliable knowledge and you will contribute to new theories on wine !

It should not take more than 5 min to complete the Survey.

(70 answers to go)

Thank you very much for your time and cheers 🍷🍷 😉


submitted by /u/Edgme
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