
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Recommendations, anyone?

[Please let me know if this post is inappropriate for this subreddit, I will remove it ASAP. Thanks 🙂 ]

Hi all,

I am not much of an alcohol consumer and have embarrassingly little in the way of knowing the basics of this genre of leisure activity. My exposure to alcoholic beverage is almost exclusively Bailey’s range of flavours. Today, marking the end to the 3-year stay at my apartment, I decided to try something new before moving to the new place and got a small bottle of brandy for the first time. It dawned on me that (1) perhaps there is more out there than just the Irish cream delight that I have come to enjoy so dearly, and (2) perhaps I should open myself up to new things every now and then.

Do you guys have some must-try’s to recommend? I am not drinking to deal with anything in particular, so I am looking for (1) something that is suitable for an after-school stand-alone sip that will not impede the rest of the evening. (2) Taste should be at the very top of the list. (3) Another thing I hope you could consider in your recommendation is budget: I am a grad student so a 35-year bottle would be a little too unwieldy for my pocket. (4) Last and least, it would be a nice plus if the bottle it comes in looks distinctive.

I have always been discouraged to explore due to the sheer variety of products available at the SAQ (the liquor store where I live). Since I don’t have Bezos money to throw around, your recommendations would be extremely useful for myself (and hopefully everyone else in my situation) in our undying quest for minimising the savour : spending ratio.

Thank you everyone!

submitted by /u/Ugly_Buggy
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