
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Super Restrictive Parents: Read All

I am 19 years old and have been away at college for an entire year now. I go to a great school and study in a DIFFICULT engineering program. I worked my ass off, and had a lot of fun. I drank without rules (from parents) and always had a great time without any problems. There were NEVER any problems at school, it was always great because I had the option to do whatever I wanted and had a great time doing it with no mistakes or mishaps. That is because I am responsible. My parents know I drink, they let me have 2 or 3 beers on some weekend days the summer before freshman year. When I come home for summer and hang out at the camp, they are always up my ass about drinking. It’s always “just one”, “how many drinks is that” and I always have to ask. All they do by this is cause fights and problems. Im trying to enjoy the summer and a good time at the camp/lake and this would certainly happen if they just let me do what I want. Let me clarify. I like to drink 7 or 8 beers as a 180 pound extremely active male and get a good buzz enjoying myself by the fire. I will never drink alone, I never wake up and drink in the morning. At school, there was maybe 2 nights i drank during the week w friends. Why are my parents like this, it causes an unbelievable amount of problems and ruins many fun nights. As a responsible 19 year old, i’d love to sit by the fire with them and enjoy 7 or so beers, but they simply don’t allow it and it hurts our relationship as a whole. It’s too bad, it really is. Keep in mind, 7 or 8 beers does not get me drunk, I get a good buzz and have a great time as a super friendly, social drinker who is never out of line. I’ve had this conversation with them at least twenty times and it always ends in “me ruining the night” it’s unbearable. One more thing cuz it’s genuinely funny and furthers my point. She found my younger siblings vape and freaked out … WHAT IS THIS, COCAINE!!!???

What should i do? Any advice?

TLDR: 19 4.0 student who drinks at scholl and parents up my ass about it at home. Just trying to enjoy my summer… Too

Thanks for the insight.

submitted by /u/736262728
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