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Dramamine alcohol usage

Hi everyone this is my first post on this, not sure how to put in which community but I drink a ton every weekend and take Dramamine with my drinks and usually knockout but I started in 2022. My sister died and I found that I can’t get hard rugs anywhere and then one day I tried Dramamine while drunk in my room and since then I still do it basically every weekend. I go through times where I don’t at all but then when I’m super hammered by myself on the weekend I can’t help but to have 3 or just 1 when I’m drunk. Not sure if anyone else has done this or had an issue but even tonight after work I’m a few drinks in and I want to but I know it will make me feel ass tomorrow and I won’t make any sense with my words and I’ll feel so shitty and gross. But if it was up to me I would be taking them with my drinks if I didn’t have to be up at like 5 am. Idk like I know I’m not an addict or idk what I am honestly I don’t drink every single day but I do weekends the first thing I do after I’m done working on Friday I get absolutely trashed but now i do it on a week night recently I mean life can just be stressful and when I think about it I just wanna do it. Sorry if this was depression and stupid tbh 😭😭😭😭 I know there’s people doing harder things and more important situations but maybe someone out there can relate? Also I read online it’s bad for you but I have not almost died or anything my thought is it’s not an opioid or anything so I should be good but I get moments where I’m in bed and my heart beat does get fast and I’m very slow breathing but always am fine the next day!

submitted by /u/Stock-Morning-3785
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