Found the secret to rid hangovers.
(this works for me and I’m not saying it will work for everyone) I love information and I’ve been doing research on alcohol and the body and hangovers, I found that when your hungover your body isn’t just dehydrated it has low blood sugar. I’ve found a way to combat the dehydration and low blood sugar by simply just eating berries and fruit (watermelon and pineapple help a lot as the melon is high in water and the pineapple has a good amount of sugar) if your throwing up when hungover I find it best to only take tiny sips or water to slowly rehydrate yourself bc if you drink water too fast it will expand your stomach too fast and it will just bounce right back out. I woke up with a hangover today and it only lasted about 30 minutes or less (usually lasts a few hours or all day) I ate some pineapple and mixed fruit bag and drank some of a smoothie with different greens, a long with water and after that my shakes stopped, and I feel better. Hope this works for y’all!
submitted by /u/Dependent-Whole-69
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