
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Why did my shots smell, look & taste different at the bar?


I am curious why the shots of Tito’s that I ordered tasted like nothing, smelt like nothing and looked watery.

Background of the shots- It was my first drink of the night & my friends drank some as well.

I drink Tito’s on a normal basis. I immediately noticed the difference in consistency, smell and taste. I even asked the bartender why it tasted so diluted. She got offended and said that “watering the alcohol down would be illegal” and just walked away. Which turned me off to the whole place & I bounced. So it has lead me to wonder if they indeed did not water down the alcohol then why did it taste so different?

What are the possible reasons why it would be so different at a bar? Or was it simply being diluted?

submitted by /u/wolflikme
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