
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


How many shots is 3 mouthfuls

My partner only lets me drink once every 3 weeks (I use for drink vodka almost every night) but I never know how much I actually drink.

I only buy vodka and drink it straight from the bottle, when I drink I usually take 3 mouthfuls, one after another and that’ll do me. I never known how much I’m actually consuming though.

I did read that 1 mouthful = 2 shots but that was from a user from reddit. I really wanna know, I want to how what I’m actually doing to my body.

My sister (I’m really close with) told her friends about the how I drink vodka and they looked at her with shock (her works).

I know I have a problem, at my first house I would drink everyday still the bottle was gone, I am trying to get better though.

submitted by /u/AvocadoGimp
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