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End Dragon with Netherite protection iv

Today I fought the ender dragon by myself for the first time in awhile, I wore diamond at first with a sharpness v iron sword because I didn’t want to lose my full protection netherite armor and sword in the void. I ended up dying a few times and could not get my things back, even lost two of my totems. Went in my ender chest and took out the big guns. As soon as I went back in with my good armor. (Pillars were gone already) I bodied the ender dragon in like less than a minute. With slow falling potions ofc. Never even got knocked in the air once. Was a hard battle at first then I showed him I was his daddy. Anybody else realize how useful netherite armor is?? I probably took like one heart of damage with it on.

submitted by /u/Peanut_Various
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