
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Life Feels Better When Drunk

From several experiences in the past, I can tell that life is better when drunk, not when incredibly drunk that you can’t even walk, but when you’re drunk enough you’re not too sick or too “normal”.

I can finally reminisce and enjoy the nostalgic past I had and am more confident with myself and talkative.
I hate how reality is without alcohol, I have mild autism and I am mostly angry with the world, but when I have one day of drinking, I feel just great. The only thing I might regret is what I send to my friends when drunk or when I go too far that I get sick hours later.

Does anyone relate to this? I don’t know why I even ask, most people who drink do it for the same reason.

submitted by /u/Mufmager2
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