
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Is Getting Drunk Every Friday Bad in the Long Run?

Hey guys, I’ve recently gotten into the habit of drinking quite a bit every Friday. I usually start after lunch so that by nighttime, the alcohol has processed enough for me to sleep well. I don’t drink to the point of blackout or vomiting, but I do reach that stage where my mind is loose, and I’m just vibing—if you know what I mean.

When I do this, it’s just me alone, with loud music in my headphones and some casual gaming—mostly DUI on Forza Horizon 5 (I’m actually pretty good even when drunk, haha). I also make sure to eat snacks like bread and drink plenty of water to avoid getting sick, so I try to be somewhat responsible about it.

I’ve been wondering if this could have any long-term negative effects on my body. I actually got a blood and urine test done recently (just in case I’m secretly dying, lol) and am waiting on the results.

Note that it’s not every single Friday of the year that I indulge in these activities but I am curious about how would it go if I actually done it.

For some context:

I’m 23 years old, lean, and exercise at least three times a week (weights & bodyweight). I drink about three mugs of chamomile tea daily since it’s great for digestion. My go-to drinks are 1.5 liters of red wine (because it’s cheap) or half a bottle of vodka mixed with orange juice. Recently, I discovered that adding energy drinks—like Monster with vodka—gives an insane hype boost, making the experience even more fun.

So, my actual question is: If I keep this up every Friday, is it likely to have a negative impact on my health over time? Or is it not that big of a deal?

Would love to hear your thoughts, have a good Friday!

submitted by /u/Mufmager2
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