
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Need an advise for a friend of mine

One of my closest friends has been drinking extensively for last 12 years. When I say extensively i mean, drinking over a liter of Vodka or Whisky. Often he will take a break for a week or a month – for reasons of “cleaning the organism” – once time passes he will get back to extensive drinking.

During those breaks I have noticed his face gets very red – just like when he drinks. He says that his face muscles twitch.

When I try to open the topic of his drinking – it’s either “Please I am not in mood” or “Please I have a good mood don’t ruin it”.

He is not married, sleeps until 3-4 PM – makes living of family business branch.

I am at a point where I really really want to help him but I dont know how to.

Question 1. Does he actually need help? Or it is not as bad as I think.

Question 2. If he does, how do I help him?

Any other advice would be appreciated.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Wild_van
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