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Does your tolerance get higher as you get older?

TLDR: I’m 20M. A year or two ago I was naturally a mid- slightly lightweight. I used to drink a LOT, obviously my tolerance was high at that point. But now I drink MAYBE once a month or two, and when I do, it’s REALLY hard to get drunk and stay drunk longer than 15-30 mins. Even if I have like 8 drinks. What’s going on

I’m 20M. I was never a LIGHT weight, but was defiantly not a heavy weight either. And I remember two years ago, when k was going to parties and getting shitfaced every weekend, sometimes five days a week, obviously my tolerance went up. But after that phase was over, and drinking became a once a month thing, it went down again UNTIL the last six months. At this point, I drink like once a month or two. A few months ago, I had a bottle and a half of soju, 1 or two shots idk, and a Smirnoff ice. Easily 8 drinks if not more. And I was drunk for MAYBE 30 minutes, before instantly coming down. After that I didn’t drink for two straight months, I had five drinks at a friends house, and got only just above tipsy for again, like 30 minutes, before coming down. I hardly drink anymore, idk how it’s possible. Yes I usually drink on a full stomach on purpose, but I have ALWAYS done that. Has anyone else experienced this?

submitted by /u/Piss_baby29
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