
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Can alcohol poisoning levels vary?

I don’t remember how much i drank last night but god i feel awful, i think its getting better but i cant stand for too long or i get super dizzy and im soooo nausous but i can’t puke. it’s gotten better because when i woke up this morning i could barely swallow water it felt so gross but now i can sip it but im not hungry like at all, my stomach is killing me man. the hospital is not an option my parents can’t know and its way to expensive (american healthcare at its finest) really my question is could i just have very mild alcohol poison or is it all the same. it cant be that bad cuz i can keep water down and im not like drowning in my own puke, just very very nauseous and sickly feeling. honestly im praying i puke cuz i feel like id feel 10x better but i heard your not supposed to do that if you have alcohol poisoning? idk man if anyone has battled with this do you have any tips or tricks or like anything god im so done with this never again just the though makes me physically gag

submitted by /u/L0verBoy07
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