
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Extreme hangover

I used to be able to drink so much like pure hand sanitizer tasting vodka and be okay. However now when i drink too much beer it’s like i’m dying the next day. Not too long ago i had to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning because i drank some vodka on an empty stomach (ik very dumb) but just last night all i drank was too much beer and i felt awful like the pain was unbearable. I’m 19 and it’s considered underaged where i live I was in so much pain i told my strict dad i was extremely hungover and thought i needed to go to the hospital. My face felt really puffy and red as the night went on and it was still like that in the morning for a bit. I’m a small girl btw so i know it takes me a lot less than others but I still feel like i didn’t drink an insane amount, i went over my limit but nothing dangerous i could still keep myself up and walk, even say a full sentence. I even gave someone a tattoo. I also ate a good meal before going out. The morning i woke up I could not stop puking and i couldn’t keep any food down not even a tums. My dad ended up picking me up from my friends house and i went home to suffer a little longer, i drank some sprite to settle my stomach because I couldn’t keep down solids. I did take a melatonin though and it knocked me out before I was able to throw it up again. I’m wondering if there is anyway I can prohibit this from happening anymore because i really enjoy drinking every now and then with my friends but if I have to suffer from a severe hangover everytime it’s just not worth it. I’m even convinced there’s something more serious going on with my body that’s making this happen. Any advice or insight is highly appreciated!

submitted by /u/lourdes_xo
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