
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Sickness with Alcohol

I’m 21 and have been drinking (or trying to) for the past 3 years. 9.5/10 alcohols I despise, and cannot even swallow/smell it. Even the concept of drinking makes me feel ill.

I’ve tried going out to clubs, drinking in, etc in that time. This time, I’m on holiday & went out drinking with an old friend.

We went out for a meal and I had 2 glasses of Disarano (could be butchering the spelling) with coke. It’s one of the few alcohols I tolerate.

I got very tipsy off the one, but was a slowsipper on the second. We then went out with a group of family friends, but I was already coming down feeling excessively sleepy.

The bartender at the new bar poured about 3 shots free handed into my glass. I got through most of it, but felt incredibly sick after. I think I was a downer on the group and they ended up splitting up until we left.

My friend is now upset at me because he wanted to get drunk but couldn’t leave me (as a younger girl) to get a taxi in a foreign country back to the hotel. He says I always ruin this stuff by asking to go out but then not being able to keep up or push past the sickness/tiredness that everyone gets.

I’m not really sure what to do. I feel like I can’t get better at it by not drinking but drinking is so awful. Idk, maybe it’s because I’d taken a break from drinking but I still hour later feel abysmal.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/ThrowRa388393
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