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Should I suspect I was drugged? Blacked out on 1/3 of the drinks I usually have.j

So I’m a decently small girl weight wise (arouns 125 pounds) but I usually have a pretty high alcohol tolerance. I typically measure my drinks very specifically to know how many I’ve actually had, and it’s not abnormal for me to have 8-10 drinks on a night out (usually liquor) with no memory loss, vomiting, hangover, etc.

Last night I had 3-4 of the pre-mixed margarita things before going out, 13% alcohol content. I drank them very quickly but again, its not abnormal for me to have 3 drinks in this time period. I had a mucinex DM around 6 hours or so earlier, so it’s possible maybe that increased the alcohol effects?

Anyways, I remember feeling tipsy bordering on drunk when we got there and walking in the door of a frat party and taking some photos, but I wouldn’t say I felt crazy drunk or out of control. This was about the first 15 mins or so we were there.

Anyways, apparently after that I went to the bar and got a drink. I have absolutely 0 recollection of this even when reminded, and I even complained the next morning about the frat not having any drinks there. My friends told me I only had 1-2 sips and then I was dancing and spilled most of it. I also do not remember dancing at all. Basically, there is a 30 minute or so period where I remember absolutely nothing, but then I came back to and I remember the rest of the night. I remember feeling really disoriented and dissociated and only being able to focus on the friend I was with, but I never felt nauseous/the spins etc. I did fall down some wet outdoor steps and not feel it, but otherwise I was completely able to walk on my own, sit up straight, etc. I ate and kept food down that night, and I woke up early the next morning still kind of buzzed but not hungover.

Am I crazy for thinking I was drugged?? It was a really weird experience for me. I have never had any memory loss what so ever from drinking before and I had half of what was normal for me, but like I said before, maybe it could have been from the medicine I took in the afternoon?

submitted by /u/zobear124
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