
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


I blackout roughly half the time I drink. Am I screwed?

I’m 27 male, I’ve been drinking regularly since I was about 19. When I drink, I drink to get fucked up. I black out probably close to half the times I drink. The blackouts range from three hour stretches I have absolutely no memory of, to more mild “brownouts” where I generally remember the night, but may forget a handful of details that I would have remembered if I was sober.

How concerning is this?

I often do and say stupid things while blacked out, but the older I get, the less reckless I’ve become which means I haven’t really had overly negative social consequences from this behavior.

I do think I might be getting dumber though, for what it’s worth.

My friends who I used to black out with are all in serious relationships now and no longer interested in acting like this anymore. However I have made some new friends thru work who are a bit younger than me (23-24), and they also seem to like getting really drunk to the point of blacking out so I have a new crew of people to keep this up with.

My question is, how bad is this? Will I have permanent brain damage from this? I probably blackout 3 times a month on average. I only drink 2-3 times a week on average, and I have no problem having 1-3 beers on a casual night. I also exercise frequently, lift weights, and am a very healthy body weight.

What are you guys’ thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/kyriegoat23
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